Human Design Explained

When I explain human design to the people in my life, I often like to say it is as if enneagram, gallop strengthsfinder, and DISC had a baby, and that is human design. Human Design is built upon 7 different eastern, and western modalities rolled up into one. It uses your birth time and location to calculate your chart. Once your chart is created, there are many different aspects of your chart to explore and explain. 

In human design, there is a lot of depth and nuance available through all the different aspects that are present in a chart. I have made this graphic for you to explore and explain visually all of the depth that is available to you in human design. 

Human Design Type Explained

When it comes to explaining type in human design, it is best described as how we, as a whole, are designed to go about moving through the world and interacting with others. Each of the different types has a signature theme, a not-self theme, and a strategy. The signature theme is how we know we are aligned and congruent to our human design. The not-self theme is how we know that we are not in alignment with our human design type. Strategy in human design is how we interact with others optimally in the world. You can dive deeper into your human design type with explanations. 

Human Design Profiles Explained

Profiles in human design are leveraged so that we can better understand how we are designed to interact with the world. Our profiles are made up of two separate parts

  • the design side (red in a traditional human design chart or on the left side) also known as the subconscious side or the body side.
  • The personality side (black in a traditional human design chart or on the right side) also know conscious side or the mind side.

There are 12 different profiles in the human design world composed of 6 different lines:

Line 1 – Investigator or Researcher

Line 2 – Hermit or Introvert

Line 3 – Martyr or Experimenter

Line 4 – Opportunist or Mayor

Line 5 – Heretic or Disruptor

Line 6 – Role Model or Mentor

 The 12 profiles that make up the human design system are can to the right.

When thinking about the lines in human design, it is important to think about using the metaphor of a house. The first line is at the foundation on which the house is built upon. The second line is on the first floor of the house. The third line is the stairs or the transition from the first floor to the second floor. The fourth line is the second story or the second story foundation. The fifth line is the mysterious second-story curtained window or some refer to it as the attic, and the sixth line is the roof of the house.

The first three lines, or the lower trigram, are often concerned with themselves, and their process if very personal. They tend not to rush when externalizing things and often don’t want much to do with others. In contrast, the upper lines or upper trigram is transpersonal or interpersonal and is an outer-directed process. These roles essentially need to share with others. Share the past, share the future, and create change.

Explore Your Human Design Profile

The Complete Collection of the 12 profiles in human design. Dive into the fundamentals of each profile. Please note when I teach this in my HD Wild Program we spend at least 1 week on each profile. These blogs are meant to provide a basic understanding of the profiles.

Explore Your Human Design Centers

Defined, Undefined & Open Centers

Human Design Head Center

Human Design Ajna Center

Human Design Throat Center

Human Design Identity Center

Human Design Heart Center

Human Design Spleen Center

Human Design Sacral Center

Human Design Solar Plexus Center

Human Design Root Center

Human Design Centers Explained

In human design, there are nine centers within the body graph. Each center has meaning, definition, personality, and flow. It is through this definition or openness that the lens through which we see the world is brought to life. 

When we have definition in our charts (the colored-in areas), there is a sense of knowing. These areas are fixed and will be with you throughout your life.  These are the areas where we become more of who we are. There is a set personality built into these areas of definition.

Think of the child who craves patterns at five and insists on all the bottles in the refrigerator, pointing out while only craving that need to order more at 75. It is within us, built into who we are. However, we can cut off access to our definition and live in the polarity of that center.

When the centers are white in the chart, this means they are undefined with gates coming off of it or open no gates at all. These areas have no fixed or set personality. The gates coming off of the undefined center will provide some flavor, but it is ultimately a filter or a place where you can try on different outfits. It is in these undefined or open centers where we can get into the not-self because we can’t regularly access the energy here and have no fixed personality.

These are places where we can take on conditioning. The energy is inconsistent and unreliable, but these are the centers that pull us into life. This is where you learn lessons, carry baggage, and filter through your experiences to determine what is truly yours. Think of these areas as places you can go shopping to try on what might work for your style.

The struggle or challenge is conditioning with the human design centers We take on “stuff” from others unknowingly. The shoulds…We carry baggage from our parents, our friends, our family, our culture, our mentors and coaches, and even our past. This baggage contorts our true essence. It makes us jaded. It cultivates incongruencies. It clouds our decision-making. It leads us off of our paths and the impact we are here to make. It leads us the not-self. 

When we are in the “not – self” our mind is the spokesperson. It takes over. It plants seeds of doubt even though we know something is right for us. It spreads fear when compassion is needed. It keeps pushing us forward when we know we need to rest. It overwhelms us with emotion. It leaves us feeling unworthy or not enough. It creates resistance and has a sandpaper effect everywhere it goes. This is the not-self.

The reality is it is impossible to escape the not-self. It is part of the journey. Learning and discerning of what is truly ours and what is that of the other. When we can get to know this “not self” is when our world can change. It is bringing awareness to it and shining a light on what the not self sounds like, how it erupts in our world and how to wrangle it as life evolves. The ability to manage ourselves widens.

We become more capable (have more awareness). We stay in our bodies more. We find more happiness, peace, and joy. We are present. We find more understanding and empathy for others. We embody what it means to be human by living in alignment with who we are meant to be.

It is important to note that all of the energy in the chart flows to come out of the throat.

Human Design Authority, Not-Self, Definition, and for business Explained

Human design authority is how we are by design meant to make decisions. 

Human design not-self happens when we are out of congruence with our type, profile, undefined and open centers, or in the low expression of our gates or channels. 

Definition in human design is how the energy flows in our chart and the number of voices or life forces that may be present with one another. 

Human Design for Business is how I support my client in building a live and business around their human design. 

Human Design Gates Explained

Gates 1-32

Gate 1 – The Gate of Self-Expression – The Creative

Gate 2 – The Gate of Direction of the Self – The Receptive

Gate 3 – The Gate of Ordering – Difficulty at the Beginning

Gate 4 – The Gate of Formulization – Youthful Folly

Gate 5 – The Gate of Fixed – Rhythms – Waiting

Gate 6 – The Gate of Friction – Conflict

Gate 7 – The Gate of the Role of the Self In Interaction – The Army

Gate 8 – The Gate of Contribution – Holding Together

Gate 9 – The Gate of Focus – The Taming Power of the Small

Gate 10 – The Gate of Behavior of the Self-Treading

Gate 11 – The Gate of Ideas – Peace

Gate 12 – The Gate of Caution – Standstill

Gate 13 – The Gate of the Listener – The Fellowship of Man

Gate 14 – The Gate of Power Skills – Possession in Great Measure

Gate 15 – The Gate of Extremes – Modesty

Gate 16 – The Gate of Skills – Enthusiasm

Gate 17 – The Gate of Opinion – Following

Gate 18 – The Gate of Correction – Work on What has been Spoilt

Gate 19 – The Gate of Need – Approach

Gate 20 – The Gate of the Now – Contemplation

Gate 21 – The Gate of the Hunter / Huntress – Biting Through

Gate 22 – The Gate of Openness – Grace

Gate 23 – The Gate of Assimilation – Splitting Apart

Gate 24 – The Gate of Rationalization – The Return

Gate 25 – The Gate of the SPrit of the Self-Innocence

Gate 26 – The Gate of the Egoist – The Taming Power of the Great

Gate 27 – The Gate of Caring – Nourishment

Gate 28 – The Gate of the Game Player – Preponderance of the Great

Gate 29 – The Gate of Saying Yes – The Abysmal

Gate 30 – The Gate of Feelings – The Clinging Fire

Gate 31 – The Gate of Leading – Influence

Gate 32 – The Gate of Continuity – Duration


Human Design Gates Explained

Gates 33-64

Gate 33 – The Gate of Privacy – Retreat

Gate 34 – The Gate of Power – The Gate of the Great

Gate 35 – The Gate of Change – Progress

Gate 36 – The Gate of Crisis – The Darkening of the Light

Gate 37 – The Gate of Friendship – The Family

Gate 38 – The Gate of The Fighter – Opposition

Gate 39 – The Gate of Provocation – Obstruction

Gate 40 – The Gate of Aloneness – Deliverance

Gate 41 – The Gate of Contraction – Decrease

Gate 42 – The Gate of Growth – Increase

Gate 43 – The Gate of Insight – Breakthrough

Gate 44 – The Gate of Alertness – Coming to Meet

Gate 45 – The Gate of the Gatherer – Gathering Together

Gate 46 – The Gate of Determination – Pushing Upward

Gate 47 – The Gate of Realization – Oppression

Gate 48 – The Gate of Depth – The Well

Gate 49 – The Gte of Rejection – Revolution

Gate 50 – The Gate of Values – The Cauldron

Gate 51 – The Gate of Shock – Arousing

Gate 52 – The Gate of Stillness – Standstill

Gate 53 – The Gate of Beginnings – Development

Gate 54 – The Gate of Ambition – The Marrying Maiden

Gate 55 – The Gate of The Spirit – Abundance

Gate 56 – The Gate of Stimulation – The Wanderer

Gate 57 – The Gate of Intuitive Clarity – The Gentle

Gate 58 – The Gate of Vitality – The Joyous

Gate 59 – The Gate of Sexuality – Dispersion

Gate 60 – The Gate of Acceptance – Limitation

Gate 61 – The Gate of Mystery – Inner Truth

Gate 62 – The Gate of Details – The Preponderance of the Small 

Gate 63 – The Gate of Doubt – After Completion

Gate 64 – The Gate of Confusion – Before Completion