Back in 2016, I had this idea for a group coaching program, it was called Integrated. Build your online business ecosystem. My coach at the time (who will remain nameless) shot my idea down. She told me it was too intellectual. No one would get it. She dismissed me.
I ignored my gut and decided to move forward with my Social Made Simple program instead. Sure that program was (and still is) successful but I was left feeling like I abandoned what I knew to be true was the right path. I showed up and served clients but if I’m honest I didn’t feel challenged.
Welcome to the Business Ecosystem Builders Program
Nearly a year later I fired that coach and in 2018 I created my Business Ecosystem Builders Program. It started with a small and tight group of entrepreneurs who wanted to make a bigger impact in the world. I showed up day in and day out for those people. I gave them my all. Some of those people are still in the program to this day.
Over the past few years, I learned lessons… lots of them. I tried to move things forward in my agency and my program which nearly burnt me out. I learned a lot about myself and how I want to show up in the world. I learned about managing a team and finding that not every person is as passionate as I am. I learned that I care too much especially about people almost to a fault. I learned I can’t want success more for others than they want it themselves.
Make a bigger impact in the world
In 2020 it all came to a head the week before the first of the lockdowns began and I burnt nearly all of my agency to the ground. Since then, I have broken every rule about creating a program. I ignored 95% of the advice thrown my way. I sold without a sales page. I kissed my agency days goodbye. I rebuilt a team that actually cares about making an impact. I found my voice and myself.
I trusted myself and my gut. I let go of everything that was no longer in alignment with the one thing I wanted to do in this world – Support 100 entrepreneurs who want to make a bigger impact in the world.
- Who want to find joy each and every day.
- Who realize life is too short to spend time doing stuff you don’t love.
- Who realize they have a bigger purpose in the world.
- Who want to build an ecosystem that thrives.
- Who want to leave a lasting impact in the world.
- Who want to be leaders, game changers and change makers in the world.
- Who challenge the status quo and choose to do things their way even when it may not make sense at the time
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