Human Design is a powerful tool with an incredible amount of depth and nuance to it that can be leveraged to support clients in various ways with the caveat that you must actually look deeper than type and profile.

I’ve noticed an insurgence of ________ by design offers, yet, when I look at their offers, it only takes into account type and profile with a sprinkle of authority. The problem with this is that it misses the point of the depth human design has to offer. This isn’t revolutionary. It does human design and the client an injustice. It is more of the same homogenized advice. Type and profile are only scratching the surface of human design. By creating these offers with a lack of depth and experience, we are creating more of the same problems when it comes to supporting clients because it fails to look at the entirety of the human and the utility of human design. It forces human design to fit into whatever box the person is teaching. That doesn’t work. That is the traditional approach.

Your human design cannot be forced to fit into a box but yet this is what the vast majority of people are “teaching” in their ___________ by design. It’s just more of the same. It doesn’t do you or your HD justice. It doesn’t do the client justice. It waters human design down.

The ______ by design offerings have a distinct lack of depth, nuance, and practicality to it. They miss the nuance of what differentiates Human design from all the other tools out there, and it has to stop.

I know with great certainty that part of my role here is to steward this information and synthesize it together in new and innovative ways to impact the world. To support people in getting back to the nature of who they are. To offer up the depth, the synthesis, the examples (in the wild), and the practicality of it. To weave human design together in ways based on evidence, patterns, and experience – to actually move this body of work forward in a more developed way.

I have witnessed and watched people use the synthesis of human design and business I’ve created in my containers, and they have transformed their lives and business as a result.

If you want to truly leverage human design, it is time to dive into the depth of human design and weave it together with your existing expertise.

It is time to forge a new standard in your industry and create a blue ocean. It is time to dive into the depths and understand the nuance so that you can develop an even more tailored and reliable outcome for your clients.

If you want a more practical and nuanced approach to human design, if you can’t unsee human design and are ready to dive in, or are tired of fighting to stand out in your industry, I invite you to join the HD Wild Program, where we do just this. This is not just another human design program or certification. If you want to master the depth of human design, this program is for you.

We explore the depth of human design, we learn what it actually looks like, sounds like, and nuance of it, and then we take that knowledge that we’ve gained and we weave it into your expertise so that you can create intellectual property in your business. This is about gaining mastery over the human design system in a way that is practical and applicable to the real world.

If you want to differentiate yourself from every other person in your industry, if you want to learn, master, and embody human design for yourself and your clients and not just talk about it. If you want to create a blue ocean in your industry. If you want to make a protectable asset in your business for years to come. Let’s forge a new standard. It is time to step into the depth and create something entirely new using the depth and nuance of human design. Join me hd in the