The Human Design Projector in Business

The Human Design Projector in Business

Subscribe to the Podcast     A In episode 2, I begin my deep dive into the projector type in business in the human design system. There are five types in the human design system, projector, manifestor, manifesting generator, generator and reflector. Type is how...
Nervous System Activation Selling

Nervous System Activation Selling

Nervous System Activation aka Not-Self Selling There have been a plethora of posts about the challenges in the online industry as of late… Is it generational?  Is the market maturing? Is it the economy?  Why are launches failing?  Why is it more challenging to sell...
Taylor Swift Human Design Chart Deep Dive

Taylor Swift Human Design Chart Deep Dive

A Deep Dive into Taylor Swift’s Human Design Chart Lyrics By Line Taylor Swift Edition & Delving into Taylor’s Chart Taylor Swift is a 5/1 Splenic Projector. Here, she guides the energy of the collective by modeling individualistic, authentic behavior...