Going back to normal
Going back to normal

Over the past year, I have found joy in so many unexpected places, in so many unexpected moments and none of it would have happened if I hadn’t slowed down. If my family hadn’t all been together. I am so beyond grateful for the pace and space I have been given this past year.

I don’t intend to go back to “normal” as normal wasn’t working for me or my family. I don’t want to fill my calendar with things to do or spend hours in the car being a shuttle bus driver. That simply doesn’t work for us. I plan to be intentional about what we as a family say yes and no to. Time is a gift and I plan to spend it wisely while being in alignment with our core values.

My hope in sharing this is that as life begins to open back up, you spend some time being intentional about what works and what doesn’t. What from the old normal, you want to carry into the new normal. That instead of just rushing back into all the things you actually take a moment to decide what you want to bring forth from this past year and the old normal as we step back into “normal life.”



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