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Lessons From Marie Forleo’s B- School 2020 and My Pledge To My Community

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After a rough few months, Marie Forleo announced that she is walking away from the B-School group which housed over 30,000 B-School Alumni. To say that people were and are shocked is an understatement, me included. She and her team announced they would no longer be responsible for the group effective immediately.

The Facebook Group was one of the most coveted benefits or rather “bonus” items of the group to connect with fellow B-School Alumni from around the globe. The group housed only half of all B-School alumni but was a place to connect with fellow students, get feedback and have a support system.

Over the last few months, the group has become toxic for a myriad of reasons but mainly because team Forleo was deleting comments around the black lives matter movement saying they didn’t belong in a business group. From there, it only went down hill to the point where the group was archived more often than not and the conversation had little to do with business.

I personally have generated over $50,000 worth of business from the group by creating relationships with people inside the group. Prior to the last few months it was an amazing place to get real time feedback and support for your business. The networking and the facebook group was literally the reason I joined B-School. Period end of story.

Why does this matter? I’ve been watching, waiting, sitting back and observing for the better part of this year. I have struggled to put into words my sentiments and struggles with what is happening in the online place, in the US and around the Globe (no this is not a political post – just stating). Over the years, the online space has slowly eroded into what it is today. A “fake it, till you make”, “do as I say, not as i do.” and “Hustle” mentality.

I have seen it behind the scenes. Industry leaders who behave one way on their facebook lives and in their programs and a completely different way behind the scenes.It’s happening very publicly right now with not only online industry leaders like Marie Forleo and Rachel Hollis but also with TV influencers like Ellen DeGneneres.

To be quite frank, I’m seriously flipping tired of it. I’m not dropping names to get likes but to show examples. I proclaimed in a podcast from December that this year the influencer industry was going to change. Boy, that has quickly come true.

The point being is I’ve been waiting for the right time and I’ve realized the following…

~ There is no right time or magic lightbulb or neon sign that says “Jamie you are ready”.

~ I am whole just the way I am.

~ If my business is growing there will always be something that needs to be fixed

~ I must step up and lead my community and hold space for new members who want to join.

~ I must be part of the solution…especially in the online community which I hold so near and dear to my heart

With that said….here are my lessons I wanted to share with you:

1) Practice what you preach –

2) Never lose touch with your ideal client

3) Learn to lead

4) You can create a wildly successful business with one product

5) Be open to feedback and criticism

6) A community needs a leader

7) Own Your Power

8) Listen

Now you might be listening to this or reading this thinking why is she sharing all of this…I want to make a pledge to you my followers. My current followers, my soon to be followers, and my clients.

I pledge to practice what I preach.

I pledge to care, to listen and to learn.

I pledge to stay focused on serving to the best of my abilities.

I pledge to be transparent

I pledge to give myself grace when I make a mistake and I hope you will too.

I pledge to support you in making business simple

I pledge to support you in creating more freedom in your life

I pledge to grow with you

I pledge to do my best to help you achieve your goals.

I share this because I’m no longer going to stay quiet…I’ve spent thousands of dollars in learning the hard way. I stayed quiet when I saw a leader out of alignment. I didn’t speak up when in my gut I knew I probably should.

I invite you to join me in this pledge (or make your own). I invite you to open a dialogue with me if you want to do business in way that is simple. I invite you to be part of my revolution in making online business simple.

I know with all of my heart and soul that I am wildly capable of supporting 100 amazing souls in building their online empire. I know with all of my heart and soul that is how I can make the biggest impact in the world. I know that this world will be a better place if we each can do our part and own our strengths. I want you to build your legacy. I want you to build your empire. I want you to have your freedom. AND i want you to do on your terms with a strategy that feels amazing. It is all possible for you.



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