Over the last few months, I’ve felt a big pull to support more entrepreneurs with their content planning, strategy, and implementation. I’m so tired of seeing entrepreneurs struggle with their marketing, posting just to post, and not seeing the results of their marketing efforts.
So for the first time ever, I am going to offer a three-day Marketing Strategy, Content Planning and Implementation Workshop. The workshop will be open to 8 people and by the end of workshop, the goal is to plan, create and schedule your content for the next 6 months.
The workshop will take place September 23 & 24 & October 29.
The 3 day workshop would breakdown as follows:
- Day 1 Strategy and Planning – During this day, we would spend the first half of the day creating your strategy and cementing your goals while the second half of the day would be geared toward content ideation and mapping out your macro content plan.
- Day 2 Content Outline & Creation – During this day, we would map out the actual macro content that would need to be created and spend part of the day actually creating that content.
- Day 3 Social Media Content Creation & Scheduling – This day would happen roughly 30 days after day 2 so that you have time to finish any of the macro content in between. During this day we would take all of the marco content you have created and turn it into micro and nano content aka all of your social media posts and graphics.
- Bonus – 30 Days Support – I am going to include 30 days of community support and 4 office hours calls (one per week) to aid in the implementation along the way so that by the end of day 3 you will have 6 months of social media content planned and scheduled so that you can take it off of your todo list once and for all.
I am planning to host the first two days of the workshop September 23 & 24 and the third day will happen 30 days later, October 29th. In between the calls, there will be a bit of homework to get your macro content created depending upon how much you got done on Day 2 but I expect it to be about an hour or two per week. My team and I will be there to support you every. single. step of the way. There is a bit of pre-work to get you set up for success.

We are going to give you all the tools you need for success including:
- Planning Tools
- Organziation Templates
- Graphic Templates
- Real Time Feedback
- Reviews of your content
We are going to hold your hand along the way and actually help you come up with ideas, create the content, and implement.
The cost is $1500. Paid in Full.
This is for you if:
- You want to create a better plan for your social media and marketing
- You want to take social media and marketing off of your to-do list for the next 6 months
- You want to get more strategic and consistent with your marketing
There will be no prework for the intensive other than submitting your links for review to my team but I highly recommend you have some form of macro content (or are willing to create this type of content), for example, a blog, podcast, youtube, or Facebook lives.
I know exactly how hard it is to be consistent on social media AND I also realize just how important consistency and marketing strategy is for success in the online space.
If you want in simply reserve your spot here. I will keep enrollment open until the end of the day on September 17.
If you aren’t sure if this is for you simply email me and ask any questions that you might have. If you have a VA or assistant who helps you with marketing or social media they are welcome to attend the event as well.
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